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Sigh.. I always do this

Smile is an expression of happiness or an indication of pleasure at witnessing something. A smile always has the warmth or charm which makes it seem quite genuine and authentic. People generally smile when they are extremely happy and in a state of bliss. But sometimes an evergreen smiling person may have worm-like troubles gnawing at his very existence and an idiotic person may be blissfully happy. In such a case, smile may be deceiving and is said to be a fake or superficial smile. In other cases, a smile is considered fake when you make a smile on seeing someone whom you have a strong dislike for and detest like anything. For example, when you smile on seeing a raging whore or your creepy boyfriend, it is actually a made up or fake smile. Quote anonymous, “A true friend is someone that sees the pain in your eyes, unlike the other people who believe the fake smile on your face.

It is so true


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